To find out about some unknown architects
you really should know about.

Upturning architectural hierarchy to build meaningful and
just communities
At Architecture Unknown we believe design and construction should be an inclusive dialogue where everyone takes part, one where architecture becomes more than just the route to a building. We create social connections where none previously existed as people construct a shared understanding of place.
We engage to ensure that the public and residents are partners in construction. We uncover key aspect goals of your project and community, promoting shared values and identity.
We design buildings that inspire our clients and champion their values. We are professional architects using our years of experience and creative talents to help you achieve your aspirations.
We build with communities to enable everyone to participate together in construction. Using WikiHouse, we empower you to build with those closest to you and to spark the regeneration of your neighbourhood.
We have launched an official WikiHouse page on our website!
As part of our official launch of our WikiHouse month, we have decided to create a page dedicated to all things WikiHouse.
During this time, we will be posting interactive content that surrounds the DIY world of WikiHouse, first-hand account on what it’s like to be involved in the process and introducing our new projects that use the system. We’re super excited to show you guys what we have in store, so do share around if you know anyone interested.
Have a look at our WikiHouse page!