Issey Miyake Hommé Plisse Installation

Issey Miyake Hommé Plisse
SEVENSTORE - www.sevenstore.com
Liverpool John Moores University, Fashion and Retail Design BA Course
Fashion forward feature forest
Architecture Unknown's first foray into high fashion comes courtesy of a great partnership with SEVENSTORE based in the very trendy Baltic Triangle in Liverpool. SEVENSTORE is a rare retail establishment that values contributing to local communities as much as looking great whilst doing so. Their shop has a flexible layout allowing it to be a runway one night, an art exhibition the next.
The project is a celebratory backdrop to Issey Miyake's men's clothing line, Hommé Plisse of which SEVENSTORE is one of the few in face-to-face retailers of in the UK. Coming out of Japan, Issey Miyake is a prince of modern fashion and has exhibited around the world. Drawing on natural, geometric themes inspired much of great his work especially the redefinition of the pleat as a staple of his signature looks. Our aim with the project was to foreground Issey Miyake's fashion in an environment which was both complimentary and spoke to his underlying creative influences. We we're inspired by the intertwining of branches, the sculpting of rock by the wind and the regimented roughness of tree bark blended with the rigour characteristic of man-made objects. Our scheme works within the strict confines of the interior of the retail store including a large, metal faced "activation box" creating enclosure, mystery and allowing for the joy of discovery as you circle underneath this geometric plywood canopy.